There are 4 Iowa Real Estate Courses Required for Prelicensing: 60 Hour and the 3-12 Hour Classes, which includes Buying Practices, Listing Practices and Developing Professionalism & Ethics. There is also a Background check as well as a State and National Exam.
Not sure where to start? Join us for a free, informational career conversation.
60HR Options:
ONLINE/SELF-PACED COURSE. Recommended to Purchase the Standard Package with Exam Prep and Pass Guarantee.
Live, On Zoom (materials and instructor included) - Cost $450:
3x12hr Options - Cost $110 per course:
Buying Practices:
Listing Practices:
Developing Professionalism & Ethics:
PLEASE NOTE for all Live Courses:
Just as with any live learning experience, these live courses offer the student the opportunity to ask questions and clarify information. Live courses are offered at set times with a commission approved instructor. Full-time attendance is required with a working microphone and camera per the Iowa Real Estate Commission. In addition, the Iowa Real Estate Academy requests students be in a professional setting with few distractions such as people, pets or driving.
***All our pre-license courses are offered in partnership with third-party school vendors CE Shop and Iowa Real Estate Academy, which are both accredited by the State of Iowa.